- Scannova waste to energy concept


Introduction our system


Scannova is a system provider specializing in renewable and environmentally sustainable technologies for turning different types of waste into clean energy.


Our rapidly growing consumer markets produce more waste and consume more energy than ever before, and there is a desperate global need for cleaner ways to process waste and to produce more clean and renewable energy. Therefore, the ways we manage our waste and generate our energy will have significantly impacts to our local environment, as well as the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

Our projects will typically use COOL PLASMA® Gasification (CPG), or Downdraft Thermal Gasification (DTG) technologies to transform non-recyclable wastes and biomass (generally called feedstock), such as, but not limited to municipal solid waste (MSW), medical, hazardous, industrial and agricultural residues, woods, animal manure, and lignite into clean and valuable electric energy. With our scalable and modular systems this is done in a local environment where the waste is generated, thus removing the need for costly and polluting transportation.


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Cool Plasma (CPG)arcu sit amet lacus.